Robert Browning's well-known poem of the piper who piped a tune to rid the town of Hamelin of its...
Share the excitement of three little children as they discover how beans grow from seeds, then st...
Engaging stories of seven more animals, including Coaly-Bay, the outlaw horse; Foam, the razor-ba...
Shows how the consciousness and sentiment of union gradually grew in the minds of the American pe...
An engaging journey through the land of ancient Egypt, in which we learn about the geography of t...
Seven fairy tales, set in an interesting framework which relates the adventures of the little gir...
Engaging introduction to the peoples of the world through the stories of the seven little sisters...
Collection of stories of ancient Romans skillfully adapted from Plutarch's Lives, with emphasis p...
A choice collection of old folk tales and fables, attractively arranged and illustrated. Between ...
Elementary history of the Jews, from the time of Creation to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A...
Elementary history of Rome, presenting short stories of the great heroes, mythical and historical...
Vivid and picturesque account of the principal events in the building of the British Empire. Trac...