Here is a story based on the lives of actual persons, whose paths cross, as their lives unfold, a...
Benjamin Bee is a bumblebee who would dearly love to have some friends to play with. One day Benj...
Eddy Brownlea loses his government job and his wife, who has been ill for some time dies. He ha...
The Tap theory is about a young female taking a few days out of her life to go on a hike of self-...
The story covers the immediate rise in rank of a Dominion Fleet department head to command of his...
Roses go through a lot of pain and heartbreak in order to blossom. 'The Delicacy Of A Rose'includ...
Te Oraiti visits her Nanny nanny, who's in hospital. They play cards, and Te Oraiti gives Nanny n...
Speak out and get out now of any violent situation you are in. Be conscious of Gods presence with...
Jock and Lassie are West Highland Terriers who live with the author and her husband on Waiheke Is...
Mum says theres a Snoreasaurus living under her bed. One night Caleb isnt feeling well so she g...
In the Spring about two years ago Tony Spite saved a baby Song Thrush from drowning in his lily p...
This is a creative nonfiction story and memoir of my life so far. This is the second book in my s...