Hidden beneath desert sands and cleverly written as an intriguing story in the pages of the Bible...
Nestled on Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin is a small, secluded town called Bloodmoon Cove wi...
When Shersti is taken to the prison-world of the Foundry, she thinks her life is over. However, h...
Baris has everything: A wife he worships, a child he adores, a life of comfort and security. But ...
Lord Edrix Faxinor regrets his brilliant diplomatic insight it lands him in the role of ambassado...
Tori Bertoletti, librarian and planet cataloger, and Raze Salen, mankind's emissary, aboard the H...
When Earth is conquered by a technologically superior race called the Grath, humanity is forced t...
SECOND ACT FOR CARRIE ARMSTRONG is a lighthearted and sweet romance with elements of suspense.Car...
Three wizards have moved into Rebecca's district with nasty hobgoblins in tow. Why are they so he...
When her sister mysteriously dies, Fern takes over the care of her baby nephew. She has no idea t...
Fairy princess turned mortal, Rebecca has a new cousin staying with her. Lianna and Prince Willdo...
Fairy princess turned mortal, Rebecca discovers her horse Sally has unexpectedly given birth to a...