While militant jihad is exploding throughout the Islamic world, westerners are increasingly subje...
After roughly three years' service as a police officer, my wife asked me to join a church service...
When America's unsung, Mick-hero, Blaze McIntyre-retired CIA assassin and spy-becomes fatigued wi...
Do you believe in dogma more than the truth?Every spring, Christians around the world commemorate...
Americans are increasingly concerned about the disintegration of our nation and are unable to exp...
If Jesus was a Jew, why do most Christian churches look and act so . . . Gentile? In 2010 Pastor ...
'This book provides a truthful perspective of what is coming upon the earth soon. . . . It's not ...
Is there a biblical prophecy that explains the widespread war and terrorism?Does this prophecy pe...
Islam and terrorism have become inextricably intertwined as Islamic terrorists, drawing their ins...
Many Americans believe that this nation is going in the wrong direction and they are fearful abou...
It has been five hundred years since Martin Luther challenged the conventional thought concerning...
What if everything you have been told about the timing of the Rapture is wrong?The Bible teach...