When an outlaw gang plunder a small ranch, killing the owners and kidnapping members of the famil...
Undaunted by a mysterious disease killing workers, Teddy Roosevelt stakes his presidency on build...
Xander Taluti is dead, and his brother Zane has called a halt to the feud with the Andruses.As th...
Brother's Blood is a tale about the corruption of the guardians of our laws and the men who stand...
IF GHOSTS CAN VISIT US, CAN WE VISIT THEM?Ron Lewis' education and career are firmly rooted in sc...
Arizona Red Ghost is one of the more bizarre tales out of the Old West based on a true story repo...
SOMETIMES, LIFE IS COMPLETELY UNFAIRSpoiled teenager Jenny Halpen's parents were against her goin...
RIDE ALONG ON THIS DARKLY HUMOROUS ROAD TRIPThis is a story about a man, his son, and their three...
George Barrett is a detective in the Sioux Bend Police Department. For the first time in six year...