Short story lead in to an upcoming fantasy novel - Friends find themselves on two sides of a rebe...
The fame and success following the Battle of Andro has left ex-Sisterhood mercenary and adventure...
The war between Humanity and the Martian invaders continues! Despite the advanced technology of t...
The first novel in a series by first-time author Brandon Rospond takes classic elements of sword ...
Stratagems: The Roman Strategy at War is a combination of two ancient Roman texts, Stratagems by ...
The life of Jesse James has not been easy; he has paid dearly for every ounce of recognition and ...
Julius Caesar provides a history of the Civil War against Pompey and the Optimates, describing th...
Since her early youth at the glittering court of Dresden, Anna had been known as a difficult chil...
George Nafziger translates a classic account of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's revolt in the Hetmanate from...
Vladimir Emmanuel was a cavalry captain who fought against the Germans and later the Red Army in ...
The most powerful army of its time is faced with insurgent attacks and revolts on the borders of ...
Gabriel Raspe's portraits of the Polish Army in 1775 is one of the earliest and complete represen...