Recently revived Private Detective Bastard teams up with his old partner, Criminal Mastermind Mig...
Enter the world of Silverfish, where a young man attempts to discover his identity amidst a world...
One out of three women in the U.S. identify as fatherless. An absent father who occasionally appe...
Louise has a mission. She has to deliver a black box through a Pacific Northwest that was ravaged...
Set in the world of social media moderators, @Sa ag3 and @Jun1p3r must survive their first 90 day...
When she met the best engineer of dams at the railway station, her inside pleasantly warmed to me...
Enter the world of Silverfish, where a young man attempts to discover his identity amidst a world...
Recently revived Private Detective Bastard teams up with his old partner, Criminal Mastermind Mig...
The second book in the Postal Child series, PARLAY takes you deep into the internal world created...
New Roses is a work of experimental prose that explores the relationships between madness and add...
Sixteen-year-old Elaine Archer thinks the Earth might really be screwed. And she's pretty sure si...
It's 1998, and Jim Diffin is a charming, reckless, college sophomore with a unique moral code, a ...