In the aftermath of a wholly unforeseen and deeply tragic turn of events, young Mel Seuchar st...
From blind dates to back seats to a drinking game gone wrong, the short stories in Divinin...
On the afternoon of February 24th, 1965, Amylu Danzer, a twenty-year-old art student who'd been v...
Blue Rooms, Morri Creech's long awaited fourth collection, explores the uncertain terrain between...
My German Dictionary, which won the fourteenth annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize, is a guide to a...
The 10th book in the DI Christy Kennedy series.
In 18th-century Ireland radical intellectuals embraced revolution. One was Arthur O'Connor, who b...
A Safe Conduct is set in a decaying German principality, on the brink of the Reformation and when...
In this new series from Paul Charles, formerly retired policeman Brendy McCusker is forced to ret...