Aldous Huxley's utopian-cum-dystopian masterpiece tells the tale of a socially engineered, futuri...
Published 2 years before the ground-breaking film, Metropolis is set in an advanced city of the f...
First published in 1666, The Blazing World is thought to be the forefather of both science-fictio...
A scientist in East Berlin. A young woman in dystopian Britain. A soldier in the Kaisers army.On...
What Happened That Night in Brownsville?In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt discharged, without...
Set in the UK in the immediate aftermath of a mysterious illness which swept the country and left...
They say that necessity is the mother of all inventions.Amir Weatherby has the world in his hands...
Meet Memphis McQueen: a music obsessed, quirky individual, who becomes fascinated with her best f...
Midnight Chevalier is as tough as they come. After the devastating loss of her little brother, th...
Since childhood, Nila Carter was made to spend every weekend at the family cabin. In her teenage ...
Set in the UK in the immediate aftermath of a mysterious illness which swept the country and left...
A twentythreeyear veteran of emergency medical services, paramedic Matthew Sias took a detour in ...