'A Man Among the Helpers' is the unique story of one man's journey into the incredible world of N...
The small town of Willow Springs has a secret. A secret that has been passed down form generat...
It was a year like none other. We learned to see ourselves, and each other, differently. We fo...
As Gibran shared, 'Love possess not, nor would it be possessed. For Love is sufficient unto Lo...
A scholarly, critical, irreverent guide to how Australia works (and how to work Australia) wri...
At long last, Ludi and Pedro Perez can afford a suburban residence for raising their precious ...
Pink Flamingo Waves is a gripping collection of short stories - including a tale abou...
This book explores the impact of modern science on Western notions of sovereignty and its exte...
Fractal is an autobiography meets the Ancient Hebrew language.The a...
United States Army Lt. Col. Spencer Fleming becomes military attache to Berlin. It is 1933 and...
THE CRAVING is a legendary adventure adapted from one of our most beloved children's tales, Ha...
What begins as a reminiscence viewed from the whimsical vantage of a pyramid in space so...