A unique blend of science fantasy, hardboiled crime and epic verse. The city of Vox survives in d...
In the aftermath of an anarchic uprising, a group of revolutionaries flee London for the north, c...
From Aliya Whiteley, author of the critically-acclaimed The Beauty, comes a genre-defying story o...
Introducing Defurion, the first FDA approved memory transplantation system. Defurion uses patente...
You and I, we wear our wounds. I wear my scars, you wear your tattoos, and we don't forget who we...
The debut novel from Verity Holloway, Pseudotooth is an adult take on 'portal fantasy', boldly ta...
In 1948 Orwell saw a world in flux, at risk of losing liberty so recently won. In response he wro...
The world is a far stranger place than we give it credit for. There, in the things we think famil...
To be young is to know magic, to see the woods for what they are and recognise visions when you s...
In a world where people shed their skin every seven years, it's just a fact of life that we will ...
Something strange is happening on British shores.Britain has a long history of folk tales, ghost ...
"e;The perfect blend of arctic mystery thriller, science fiction and post disaster apocalypse...