The Princess and the Goblin tells the magical story of Princess Irene and her journey from the wo...
The Wise Woman tells the double story of two spoiled girls and the parents who spoiled them. A my...
Lilith is George MacDonald's powerful and surprising fantasy novel that sense its protagonist thr...
The Princess and Curdie is the sequel to George MacDonald's popular The Princess and the Goblin. ...
Phantastes tells the story of Anodos and his magical journey through a Fairy Land that hints at b...
At the Back of the North Wind tells the story of Diamond and his magical friendship with North Wi...
The Boyhood of Ranald Bannerman presents the largely autobiographical story of a young boy growin...
Sometime in the early twelfth century, Bernard of Clairvaux wrote this book at the request of a c...
In this book, Francois Fenelon advises new Christians to turn away from the world and follow Jesu...
Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon, commonly referred to as Madame Guyon, was a wealthy Frenc...
Sometime in the early twelfth century, Bernard of Clairvaux wrote this book at the request of a c...
At the Back of the North Wind tells the story of Diamond and his magical friendship with North Wi...