Focusing on programs from the 1970s to the early 2000s, this volume explores televised youth horr...
Occurring in a time of primitive medicine and inconsistent record-keeping, Poe's death has become...
If a literary movement arises but no one notices, is it still a movement? In Speculative Poetry a...
Whenever and wherever people communicate, they contend with powerful and sometimes hidden systems...
Shakespeare Studies is an annual peer-reviewed volume featuring the work of performance scholars,...
There have always been historical and philosophical connections between the study of religion and...
The Yearbook of Transnational History is dedicated to disseminating pioneering research in the fi...
Black Greek 101 analyzes the customs, culture, and challenges facing historically Black fraternal...
Seeking to honor and extend the critical legacy of Howard Weinbrot, this volume re-examines, rebu...
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England is an annual volume committed to the publication of ess...