When a dust storm engulfs her Colorado town and pink snow blankets the streets, a heartbreaking d...
A woman in New York awakens knowing, as deeply as a mother’s blood can know, that her grown son i...
At the end of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic novel, The Scarlet Letter, we know that Pearl, the el...
In 1899, the streets of New York were as unsettled as the heart and mind of Mary Jane Elmer. The ...
A domestic story told in numerous original and endearing voices.The story opens with Wesley, a ...
Recently, Grand Central Publishing announced plans for a prequal to Mario Puzo's The Godfather, t...
Does a man fall in love with a country first or the woman he finds there?And which love is finall...
Masha Hamilton’s fifth novel, What Changes Everything, is truly an American story, an exploration...
Until the dot.com bubble burst, George Bailey never gave much thought to why his grandfather seem...
Madeleine Shaye has a successful dual career as a concert pianist and TV arts correspondent, a gr...
Supplying a quarter of San Francisco’s coal, Nortonville of the 1860s-70s is a flourishing empire...