Tells the story of a collaboration between two giants of late c19th Irish nationalism: John Devoy...
Consides the relationship between sport, national identities and gender in a contemporary Irish c...
This short biography outlines the scope of Davitt's great interests and achievements.
Examines why Young Ireland attached such importance to the writing of history, how it went about ...
Moore spares neither landlords nor tenants, priests or nationalists in his narrative.
Davitt drafts on many topics while a prisoner in solitary confinement in Portland Convict Prison,...
In-depth description and analysis of the transformations that have taken place in Ireland over th...
Leading historians explore the multiple dimensions of the Irish lord lieutenancy as an institutio...
War of Words is a volume of essays on the role of propaganda, mass media and culture in the devel...
One of the most famous revolutionaries in Irish history, Frank Ryan fought in the War of Independ...
Women's literary expressions of war have long been neglected and at times forgotten in Irish scho...
In this comprehensive history of the Irish Boundary Commission, Paul Murray looks at British atte...