It aims to help business leaders continually evaluate challenges and provides solutions to improv...
This compendium aims to assist those readers who are intending to become permanent residents or c...
Now updated in line with the 2011 syllabus, this quick-reference revision guide has been designed...
This guide provides a quick reference to the processes covered by the ITIL V3 PPO syllabus. It is...
This is a practical guide for anyone involved with the creation and development of efficient serv...
The official guide which explains the standards required to pass today''s practical driving test....
This is a practical guide for anyone involved with the creation and development of efficient serv...
This 'Practical Guide to Living in the UK' supports new citizens with the information needed to a...
If you are planning on taking your Life in the UK test this Official Study Guide will help you fu...
This publication sets out the statutory requirements for signing, lighting, and guarding at stree...
4 parts not sold separately. Contents: Part 1: PGA chapters 1 - 7; Part 2: PGA chapters 8 - 15; P...