Wilfrid Mellers is a composer, musician and author.Honorary Fellow of Downing College, Cambridg...
This is a facsimile reprint of the 1773 edition.Originally in two volumes but now bound as one....
A book for the person who has passed the stage of producing honey for his own table .. but has no...
This is a facsimile reprint of the edition printed by Thomas Este, circa 1587.
Facsimile reprint. Arie musicale: per cantarsi nel gravicimbalo, e tiorba a una, a due, e a tre v...
This is a facsimile of volume 1 of the first edition in 1773.ISBN 978-1-84955-065-9..Volume 2...
Facsimile reprint of 'The Seventh edition, Corrected and Elarged. Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Pl...
This is a facsimile reprint of the CUP edition of 1915.
This is a facsimile of the the CUP 1917 edition of Part ii of Bach's Chorals - The Hymns and Hymn...
In this book, Jeremy Nicholas reappraises Godowsky's important contribution to the piano, sheds n...