Jack and Nick seek fortune and adventure in the silent film era of Hollywood. But their newly-exp...
Two very different men, each struggling with his own lust and desires. Can they find a happy medi...
Moving towards graduation, Angel struggles with leaving behind aspects of his past. But will Shan...
Special offer inside this Box Set to celebrate the 30th release in the Cattle Valley series'A...
Her Master gone, is she destined to spend the rest of her life alone. Or can she bring herself to...
Kyle Lepiz knows his neighbour isn't quite human and he's right. He just never expected him to be...
Three lonely souls find each other and the cure to a disease ravaging the witching community on A...
The new ER doctor is smoking hot, and the exotic African American paramedic can't keep his eyes o...
Gideon's worst night ever starts out with a bang that will change his whole life.Gideon Wells has...
Alone once again, Jack believes that he will never have lasting love. But a tragedy unexpectedly ...
Sometimes Fate can be a bitch and take away everything you hold dear, but sometimes she finds it ...
When a sheltered young woman meets the one guy in this world she'd never dreamed existed, she mig...