In this comprehensive overview of an important genre of American art, 'Souls Grown Deep' explores...
In 2002, Gee's Bend burst into international prominence through the success of Tinwood's Quilts o...
'In the Spirit of Martin' is the companion book to the first museum exhibition to demonstrate the...
Completing the two-volume set, 'Souls Grown Deep, Vol. 2' takes the visual and historical present...
Quilt expert Wahlman introduces readers to a powerful force in African-American quilts: their Afr...
Mary Lee Bendolph's extraordinary patchworks garnered national attention when they were featured ...
Since the 19th century, the women of Gee's Bend in southern Alabama have created stunning, vibran...
Gee's Bend: The Architecture of the Quilt is a major book and museum exhibition that will premier...
Self-taught African American artist Thornton Dial (born 1928) is an acclaimed, original artist. T...
After the death of Martin Luther King Jr., Alabama produced an impressive number of African Ameri...
In 2002, Gee's Bend burst into international prominence through the success of Tinwood's Quilts o...