A debut poetry collection, both lyrical and surprisingly playful, about overcoming a harsh evange...
In the 1870s, a teenage criminal from New York makes history when he becomes the first person arr...
'In her first collection of short fiction dee Hobsbawn-Smith creates protagonists struggling to n...
In an inviting and challenging series of fictions, Sean Johnston's 'We Don't Listen to Them' will...
?e have to get out before they come back!?I said, my back hair bristling as I scanned the woods f...
Central to Harriet Richards? character-driven stories in 'The Pious Robber' are girls and women w...
Violet Quesnel experiences bi-polar disorder. She is aware of her outside world but has limited s...
In a series of humorous incidents and hair-raising episodes, Rose Okanese, mother of two, is rele...
Powerful women and wild women, victims, seducers and nurturers all find their way into one collec...
Cara-Lyn Morgan joins those young Canadian poets who are driven by family experience to communica...