Having lost both his mother and his minivan in the same year, Justin Grimbol explores his feeling...
Moses Guttchenridder has several problems. His business, Macramania, is going under. His lovelife...
In this hilarious novel six heroes from six different epochs of earths history (and an alien toss...
Life is good in Fremont, Ohio. Well, acceptable. If one ignores the fact that Rusty Slump, local ...
In a post-Trump world, Billy Kos, occasional poet, uneasy lover, and pot salesman, meets Kalma Vo...
Short stories, or maybe they're poems, about America during the age of Trump and trash. The au...
When the Main Event Sideshow is waylaid at an isolated desert motel, they become the target of tw...
Al Schnupp's ZERO is a quirky satire of political intrigue, where a grotesque idiot, Zero, is con...
In Pieces of Rags and Bones Michael Keith brings to the reader a singular collection of idiosyncr...
Holy Shite! Titty Kitties? What the feck is this about? Well, theres kitties, for sure. Four cute...
Having lost both his mother and his minivan in the same year, Justin Grimbol explores his feeling...