The worlds of music, money, and murder intersect when a rapper and his unrulycrew move into an el...
The adventures that Madam Midnight began in Scandalicious continue as the secret dominatrix satis...
In this sexy, raw debut novel, a vivacious young murderess seduces her unsuspecting victims to th...
In a society obsessed with fame and image, celebrity chef Cori Brown finds herself entangled in a...
An erotic book of short stories dealing with the international, historical, and undeniable fetish...
In this searing thriller, a detective on the edge must stop a vicious killer, even as he mends th...
Thomas Slaters latest novel is a non-stop ride of entertaining drama with suspenseful plot-twists...
With murder, mayhem, and hot sex, Kitty-Kitty, Bang-Bang is a wickedly delicious sequel to The Ka...
The Nature of a Man is a reflective perspective of Alicia Forrester, a woman who is desperately s...
An intriguing psychological journey filled with memorable cameos of characters from The Office Gi...
On the quest for perfect love, three individuals attempt anything to ward off any further painno ...
A raw, candid, and thought-provoking debut novel explores the devastating lingering effects of ch...