Alternately hilarious and heartwarming, this beloved coming-of-age novel from the Australian outb...
The Secret Sharer, actual accident at sea, is an exciting adventure tale that reveals truths abou...
Where is success? Is it far away, or could it be right under your nose? Russell Conwell's motivat...
In this short novel, Francis Bacon tells of the discovery of a utopian community to the west of t...
Two volumes in one. A fantasy novel for adults, Lilith is the story of the aptly named Mr. Vane, ...
Written by the father of modern philosophy, Discourse on Method is a seminal work that outlines D...
Controversial upon its publication in 1890, The Kreutzer Sonata illuminates Tolstoy's then-feveri...
Two books in one. Loosely based on an experience in Joseph Conrad's life, Heart of Darkness tells...
Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy, In Which the Existence of God and the Distinction Bet...
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868-1963) is the greatest of African American intellectuals--a...
What if we could interview George Washington and learn his views on the state of America today? W...
David Balfour, a young Scotsman orphaned by the death of his father, is betrayed by his uncle, sh...