The story of bare-knuckle prize fighting between Tom Sayers and John Heenan which gripped England...
Nick Davidson and Shaun Hunt were hoping that their first book, Modern Football is Rubbish, would...
A collective biography of three of the most distinguished stylists writing in the English languag...
Mark Adolph is the son of the man who in the 1950s invented Subbuteo, the table football game tha...
Name cricket's most famous partnership nowadays and one can forget Hobbs and Sutcliffe, Statham a...
FC Sankt Pauli is the football club in the red-light district of Hamburg. They have a transvestit...
With increasing admission prices and odd kick-off times, football fans have been having a rough t...
Mark Gold thought he had got writing about Wolves out of his system when he wrote Under A Wandere...
Usain Bolt is that rarity in the modern world - a man whose fame transcends his nationality, his ...
All football clubs have scouts: men (for they are almost always men) who watch teams to check how...
Nick Hurst was working in London when he threw in his job in advertising to train for four years ...
Authors Nick Davidson and Shaun Hunt are going through a mid-life crisis as far as football is co...