In this collection, Fina Casalderrey regales us with five stories written in the starry firmament...
Rosalía de Castro (1837-1885) is considered the founder of modern Galician literature. She wrote ...
There are three main branches in Karen Harrison's poetry - mythological interpretation, journeyin...
'The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear i...
Clara Soutelo is a sixteen-year-old girl who spends her summers in the town of Vilarelle in Galic...
'Possibly the most impressive novel ever written in the Galician language'. With these words, the...
Lois Pereiro (1958-96) was born and spent his childhood in Monforte de Lemos, an important railwa...
Long Night of Stone is the most famous book of Galician poetry published during Franco's dictator...
In 2003 the Galician writer Manuel Rivas, well known for his novels The Carpenter's Pencil and Bo...
André Santomé Lobeira is a teenager whose parents divorced when he was five. He puts on a front a...
This revolutionary book sets out to persuade the reader that the English language is not the resu...
From the author of 'Low Voices' and 'The Carpenter's Pencil', the book of short stories that set ...