Greg wakes up in a remote war zone, sole survivor of an air crash caused by a suicide bomber. Ama...
From its obscure origins as a fishing village along a marshy estuary, Tokyo grew into one of the ...
Situated on Lake Malaren on one of the world s most beautiful harbours, Stockholm has set the ben...
This book contributes to the rediscovery of Beirut by inviting the visitor and reader to explore ...
Portugal is an established member of the European Union, one of the founders of the euro currency...
Compelling story of Prince Puckler-Muskau's matrimonial tour of England told for the first time
New biography of the great polar explorer reveals a new side to Sir Ernest Shackleton
Like Siberia and the Sahara, Patagonia has become a metaphor for nothingness and extremity. Its f...
The Danube is the longest river in western and central Europe. Rising amidst the beautiful wooded...
A cultural history of the Scottish Highlands
This book tells the story of today's Spanish provinces of Valencia, Castello and Alacant (Alicant...