Marguerite A. Peeters, an American journalist born in New York in 1963, has spent more than thirt...
The foundation of Cordoba on the site it still occupies today, where the landscape clearly outlin...
In an era dominated by noise and constant stimulation, silence has acquired an incalculable value...
'The Dictatorship of Apathy' offers the reader a concise and accessible description of the cultur...
A testimony of dedication and altruism. Unconditionally devoted to her community, her influence e...
Encuadernaci¿n: R¿stica.
El que fuera catedr¿co de biolog¿de la Universidad de Salamanca, Jos¿am¿n Alonso, nos trae su obr...
El talento se aprende, se contagia, se provoca. En la familia, en la educacion o en la empresa, l...
Pedro González nació en Cádiz en 1963. Licenciado en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Sevi...