GRIT is a Southern-fried sword and sorcery comic book series following the misadventures of a wor...
Black Demon Tales is a kaiju horror anthology series based on Indigenous myths about a monster sh...
Action Tank is a humorous sci-fi graphic novel series for middle graders, with a story and settin...
REST IN PEACE: JUST A GHOUL IN LOVE is a humorous and spooky book about navigating the difficulti...
'The Brooklyn Bridegrooms are the scourge of late nineteenth-century New York. The cranks hate th...
'Split between two periods in her life, Yasmeen tells the story of an Iraqi girl's struggles to s...
'A middle schooler inherits an old horse from her long lost mother she believes is a unicorn with...
'In the African savannah, Sengi, a young mouse, must learn to survive alone after the death of hi...
'It's almost the end of Winter Break, and Marie is on a reluctant hike through the woods with her...
This coming of age crime story takes place in a small Florida town at the height of the popularit...
Metalshark Bro is a surreal comedy, high-octane revenge comic series teetering on the brink of re...
Sparks fly when Aleck, the frustrated but charismatic son of a miner, falls for the daughter of t...