A few weeks before the outbreak of the infamous Ripper murders in 1888, Detective Inspe...
Gina Rosselini, the granddaughter of a wealthy fishing magnate, lives a charmed life...
It's summer 1938, and for the second time, Britain is threatened by war with Germany. This time c...
Living and working in Monaco, Nanette Weston enjoyed a glamorous lifestyle until a seri...
In a twist sure to thrill Wuthering Heights fans, Charlotte Brontë's friend mus...
Joan thought they were going to be made redundant, recalled, and re...
When a beautiful bride is found strangled in a cow-shed, D.I. Hillary Greene knows that...
March 1889. It is midnight. Six strangers meet for the first time outside the great door of ...
The year is 1917 and Barbara Jones is shocked to be told that she is carrying a chil...
There were five dead men in the cabin of the boat, lying under six fathoms of Caribbean...
When the fiercest storm in living memory pounds the shores of 19th century Cornwall, wr...
For two couples honeymooning in Sorrento, the future is uncertain, but they are fu...