Sam Pope is back, in the explosive sequel to The Night Shift. As his mission against organised cr...
After his one man war on crime takes him to the depths of the Ukrainian underworld, Sam Pope is a...
After surviving the onslaught of Blackridge in Rome, Sam Pope has been lying low in Italy. With t...
Sam Pope was one of the UK's finest soldiers, serving over a decade as an elite sniper. After a n...
Faced with life behind bars, Sam Pope has made peace with his fight being over. After discovering...
FIGHT FOR SOMEONE.Alex Stone saved Sam's life.On a cold, rainy night in Rome, Alex had arri...
WE ARE WHO WE ARE.Almost two years after returning from America and walking away from the figh...
THE FIGHT GOES ON...After stepping back into his war on organised crime, Sam Pope travels to E...
HELL HATH NO FURY...Five million alive. Three million dead. That is the contract put on Sam Pope'...
How far would you go for the ones you love?Violence is like a storm.For Lucas Cole, life is more ...
SOMETIMES THE LAW IS NOT ENOUGH.Jasper Munroe has it all. Good looks. A cult social media followi...
FIGHT FOR THE TRUTH...After serving as the Chef d'État-Major des Armées for the French Military, ...