There's a Robot at my Afterschool is the story of a 10 year old boy named Malachi! Every day he p...
There's a Robot at my Summer Camp is the story of a 9-year-old girl named Maria! Every day she pl...
There's a Robot in my Classroom is the story of a 12-year-old boy named Miguel! Every day he play...
There's a Robot in my Troop is the story of Malia! She's a member of an all girl troop and a robo...
What's the matter with Orbit? is the story of Rashida, a young Black girl, and her robot, Orbit. ...
An illuminating yet richly humorous overview of how the brain represents the things in our world,...
Whispers in Sound chronicles the author's journey from traumatic grief to lasting joy. As a girl,...
Jack and Talia are back together!
Justine Holmes is a widow, former activist, and funeral thief, mourning her husband's death durin...
The Neah's Escape Reader's Response Journal is aligned to the, ''Neah's Escape: To Jamaica opens ...