Devastated by her husband's death, Earth-based biologist Yoshiko Sunadomari journeys to the parad...
The classic science fiction novel, now back in print Clay is a man from the 20th Century who is s...
It's dwarves vs dragons in this origin story for Enge's signature character, Morlock Ambrosius! B...
The date is 1968 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now. The Republic, dominat...
When mirror twins Seth and Hadrian Castillo travel to Europe on holidays, they don't expect the e...
Science Fiction is the genre that looks at the implications of technology on society, which in th...
The Divide is flooded, at great cost of human - and inhuman - life. Far from home, Sal, Shilly an...
The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Selected by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers o...
Steampunk Sherlock Holmes meets The X-Files with a dash of romantic tension and a large dose of a...
The Democracy is at war with the alien Traanskei Coalition. War hero Colonel Nathan Pretorius has...