'All My Dogs dogs is exactly as the title describes, a story in chronological order, beginning in...
As Booklist's Donna Seaman commented on edition #43, 'a harvesting of the year's finest stories, ...
Over 60 brilliant stories, poems and essays from ?dozens of small presses, ?as selected from 900 ...
'The Pushcart Prize series is the best of its kind.'--'Kirkus Reviews' 'The Pushcart Prize XXXII...
Over sixty stories, essays, and poems appear in this landmark edition, picked from more than 5,00...
The book industry is changing at digital speed. This compendium of more than three hundred quotat...
Winner of Pushcart's 18th Annual Editors' Book Award, this first novel is a savage and hilarious ...
For the Year 2002 edition, The Pushcart Prize presents over sixty stunning short stories, poems, ...
For the 2003 edition, The Pushcart Prize presents scores of brilliant short stories, poems, and e...
Publishers Weekly in its boxed and starred review of last year's edition of this annual anthology...