This high-powered short story tells the tale of a young military commander and his platoon who at...
When her tinsmith father and brothers head West, Polish immigrant Marie Kotlarczyk has no choice ...
A provocative, beautiful and visionary novel of first contact by New York Times bestselling autho...
In 1848, African American slaves Ellen and William hatch a plan to break free from their captivit...
Proper Boston widow Jane Weber moves to the Dakota Territories under layers of lies to save her r...
Reviewing and integrating lived experiences in nursing with theory and research, The Moral Work o...
A village snared with hive-brain controlled by an ancient queen faces an evil beast who is said t...
What kind of man chooses to trade all the comforts of a civilized East for the chaos of the Wild ...
No-one takes a woman seriously in the Dakotas, least of all a woman of mixed race who owns the on...
In a dense star cluster, the solar winds blow fiercely. But the star sailing ship HMSS Daring is ...