The third anthology by the students of, Inc, a California-based nonprofit. POPSth...
POPS the Club is a California-based nonprofit creating and supporting high school clubs for those...
Ghetto By the Sea is the second anthology in an annual series produced by the students of P.O.P.S...
In 2013 students at Venice High School in Los Angeles formed the first P.O.P.S. (Pain of the Pris...
The third anthology by the students of, Inc, a California-based nonprofit. POPSth...
Ghetto By the Sea is the second anthology in an annual series produced by the students of P.O.P.S...
POPS the Club is a California-based nonprofit creating and supporting high school clubs for those...
POPS stands for Pain of the Prison System, and POPS the Club stands for transforming that pain in...
POPS writers and artists offer their stories, poems and images that tell the tale of what it is t...