Spontaneous Human Teleportation, otherwise known as Unexplained Temporary Temporal Displacement i...
OH, NO, PORN IS ILLEGAL!That's right. Porn stars are criminals, pornographic websites are being s...
SOME THINGS ARE BETTER LEFT ALONE Henk has been living a relatively carefree life in the city sin...
When Ezra Wilson took the job as a census worker, he never imagined it would lead to a place like...
"e;Silly, weird, a lot of fun and with more Koala orgies than you can shake a stick at"e;...
Silver City is not the kind of place you'd want to be with no recollection of who or what you are...
Celebrated Hollywood star Tom Selleck has it all: talent, good looks, a winning personality, and ...
A deviant kid tires of his absent father's antics and summons a curse that will kill him the mome...
My father's crotch sang many songs, and the first of them all, was me. Now it is my turn to sing,...
A man gets a ticket to a popular gameshow and is willing to risk life and limb to go home with th...
Welcome to Florida!A syphilitic plague has ravaged the Sunshine State, transforming its residents...