The Launching of the Cosmic Express took place on Centauri Island at the end of November 1980. It...
Thrygragos Varuna Mithras offers his two Great God brothers, Thrygragos Lazareme and Thrygragos B...
Goddess GambitBook Three of 'The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories'Only three weapons have any history...
The success of Thrygragon, in 4376 Year of the Dome (YD), brought such hope to the seemingly immo...
Contagion Collectors aimed to destroy the Inner Earth's Shining Ones, their devil-gods, by killin...
Despite often violent suppression by forces blinkered by monotheistic absolutism, at the height o...
Scientists first detect signals coming from somewhere out in space in early 1978. Their excitemen...
The Gods and Goddesses, the Demons and Monsters, of ancient mythologies have been trivialized, th...
The tragic tale of the doomed but ever-defiant band of perhaps not-so-miraculously re-embodied su...
'Hidden Headgames' presents three intertwined novellas featuring characters who appeared during '...
The tragic tale of the doomed, but ever-defiant band of perhaps not-so-miraculously re-embodied s...