Part novel of suspense, part family drama, The Return follows six characters originally introduce...
Merullo shares his spiritual, intellectual, and emotional discoveries, writing about his relation...
A family rallies around an errant son, even as a long-hidden secret that has touched all their li...
For Merelene Durham it's been fifteen years of coping, of determination not to lose her purchase ...
There is a stream that courses through American roots music. Its source is in the Appalachian foo...
A novella that features the main characters from Roland Merullos beloved Buddha Trilogy (Breakfas...
Every day around the globe there are billions of acts of kindness, courage, generosity, and grace...
Johanna, an artist, and Matt, a music critic, couldn't be more different, but by a simple twist o...
Follow this eight year old child through the loss of innocence as he witnesses the war in Vietnam...