This novel, loosely inspired by Flaubert's Madame Bovary, focuses on the life of an u...
David Dabydeen's Turner is a long narrative poem written in response to J. M. W. Turner's celebra...
'Tell me if I am mad,' Adam Avatar, a copper-skinned man with startling green eyes, asks Dr. S...
The word has gone out that Seduce is dead, and the mourners gather on Church Island in the Car...
It is the late 1980s in southern Sri Lanka. Bradley Sirisena's father is tortured and abducted...
Millar's 2013 Commonwealth Prize collection examines everyday localities and human complexities i...
For Joan Wong, growing up in a Chinese family in the political turmoil of 1960s Guyana, family...
This debut collection promises to be a series of politically-charged snapshots of Trinidadian life.
The stories in Sic Transit Wagon bring together a rich, evocative and authentic tapes...
A new novel from a classic St. Lucian author, Prismns re-affirms St. Omer's leading s...
When Kei Miller describes these as essays and prophecies, he shares with the reader a sensibility...
Sharon Leach is a Jamaican writer and essayist, born in Kingston. In addition to being a featured...