Hardesty takes advantage of his narrative's twenty-four year time frame to create a wide cast...
Dieter, the orphaned son of a music professor, becomes the resident ';piano man' in a pub favored...
Sally Hazelet Drummond is believed to be the first female graduate of the Hite Art Institute with...
AN ORGANIZED PANIC sets sister against brother, born secular humanist against later-in-life evang...
Author Allen Northcutt's fun-filled holiday tale weaves a whimsical 'ugly duckling' story of anim...
A timeless free verse poem that encourages us to view our lives like the zoo with the patterns fo...
"e;This is no staid diary. There are forest fires, floods, gunplay, and many other death-defy...
This 2nd Edition of my collection of poetry centers on my reflections on the concepts surrounding...