In a small English town, a young woman has been murdered. Essex detective, Chief Inspector Julian...
The explosive sequel to The Dog Trainer: from K9 world firsts to Murder & Mayhem continues with t...
Town and district residents are devastated when an unexplained tragedy on a deserted Western Down...
Unleash is a fun, practical, and easy-to-understand journal designed to help your child feel empo...
Inspired by the 1989 Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption comes a novel about skulduggery, b...
How can you survive when your one true love deserts you to marry another? Late eighteenth cen...
Chris Herrmann never intended to take a gap year. Certainly not a senior gap year. Life was too c...
Have you ever said that you would like to write a book then moments later dismissed the idea?Hav...
A pretty little Italian girl skips outside to peer up at the unexpected drone of aeroplanes, unaw...
A FREE SPIRITThirty three years after her death,a young woman tells her own remarkable story....