In a small English town, a young woman has been murdered. Essex detective, Chief Inspector Julian...
The explosive sequel to The Dog Trainer: from K9 world firsts to Murder & Mayhem continues with t...
A FREE SPIRITThirty three years after her death,a young woman tells her own remarkable story....
Boundless McLennan, a young Scottish printer, is sentenced to indentured servitude in the America...
The year is 2649BC. A small chest with mysterious markings is urgently hidden from rebels and an ...
How can you survive when your one true love deserts you to marry another? Late eighteenth cen...
Chris Herrmann never intended to take a gap year. Certainly not a senior gap year. Life was too c...
Have you ever said that you would like to write a book then moments later dismissed the idea?Hav...
A pretty little Italian girl skips outside to peer up at the unexpected drone of aeroplanes, unaw...
Pongo, a spirited young orang-utan, loves his life in the rainforest. His days are spent alongsid...