The Tembetá collection brings the trajectories and reflections of great indigenous thinkers in Br...
The Tembetá collection brings the trajectories and reflections of great indigenous thinkers in Br...
En 1925, el poeta modernista brasileiro Ronald de Carvalho escribió el libro 'Toda A América', co...
Neste livro, reunimos um conjunto de textos sobre história cultural e história da ciência. Focali...
Tom Jobim (1927-1994) fue el autor de una delicada revolución. La transformación que puso en marc...
Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazi...
The Tembetá collection brings the trajectories and reflections of great indigenous thinkers in Br...
Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazi...
The Tembetá collection brings the trajectories and reflections of great indigenous thinkers in Br...
Encontros (Meetings) is the largest and most prestigious book collection of interviews with Brazi...
The Biblioteca Básica Latino-Americana was originally conceived by Darcy Ribeiro during his years...
Palavbras Andantes es una innovadora colección de poesía iberoamericana contemporánea, en amplias...