The Curse of the Aztec Mummy traces the adventures of Wolf Romulus, a clinically deranged profess...
James Beall's work is at first an enigma. What to make of his challenging vision, his unique voic...
'Natalie Lobe is a seasoned poet so we welcome and applaud What Gypsies Don't Know. Lobe's poetry...
'This volume exhibits the growth in the scope and in the depth of Ms. Naik's poetic vision over a...
'Michael Davis' poetry collection Prodigal is a deeply moving odyssey of mourning, searching, str...
In this personal, multifaceted memoir, Hala Buck, a professional artist and integrative therapist...
'What do Mao's Cockroach, a stuffed Jeremy Bentham, an ode to a semi-colon, and a rabbit in someo...
Two Lifetimes as One is an autobiography of Irving Tragen and his late wife, Eleanor 'Ele' Dodson...
A Pathétique Memoir for the Caged Children is an ambitious, highly engaging, dynamic work - full ...
This is a collection of poems, which the author describes in the following way: 'For me writing w...
Bill Stott gives this collection of poems the working title of 'A Way of Knowing' because it's an...
'ZEN' (A Japanese term originated from the Chinese Buddhism 'Chen' ¿) is implied to a sensual sta...