In Burning All the Time, Chris Murphy illuminates the life within characters, the rough fusions b...
This collection of poetry by Joe Dale Nevaquaya has come in its own time, exactly when we need it...
In this breathtakingly beautiful book, brothers Duane and Ken Hada pay tribute to Arkansas' White...
In seventeen well-wrought tales, you see people across Texas and around the world. There's an Eas...
These beautifully conceived and sculpted essays reveal a deep humanity and extensive knowledge. W...
This writer warns us she is a woman like a 'Mexican electric fence.' And yet between the sheets o...
The classic proletarian crime novel based on Pretty Boy Floyd's life, now in print for the first ...
This book is simply a treasure. Carol Tarlen's poems bring the human and political together in ri...
These poems, acting as spare parts in themselves, go into the making of one smooth-running, power...
Anca Vlasopolos' poems are a battle cry-bracing, powerful and luminous. With spare eloquence, she...
Streets As Elsewhere is where everything and everyone is absorbed by the place, where 'This empty...
Carter Revard's newest collection, From the Extinct Volcano, A Bird of Paradise, sings through po...