A moving saga about the lives of four young women who live through the precariousness of the Seco...
The Enneagram is a framework based on nine personality profiles; it's a model that uses a diagram...
Untold secrets of a post-war childhood. A true story of a child born in war-torn London soon afte...
Jen admires her father and Frank believes that his daughters are happy, but no one in any family ...
In the 1950s, two little working-class girls, Pat and Rita, become best friends. ';Who Your Frien...
This short practical ebook explains how adults can communicate with teenagers in a way that makes...
Si está en contacto con adolescentes, ¡este libro le puede ayudar a no desesperarse! Va a pode...
As deaths mount during the coronavirus pandemic a retired history teacher reflects on the much gr...
A story of friendship and loneliness, of losing and searching and occasional joy.Everyone in this...
Nothing is more important to Lynn and Dave Wilde than family. They have lived in Sheffield all th...
Untold secrets of a post-war childhood.A true story of a child born in w...
About Our Boys was written in response to numerous requests from parents and youth workers who ha...