A standalone crime thriller in the Great Lakes Saga'Buckle up. It's Breaking Bad meets The Godf...
'An exhilarating, can't miss, one-sit read that'll stay with you long after turning the final pag...
'In my career, having reviewed over 1,200 novels, I can honestly say . . . I have never read anyt...
Labor Day Weekend-one last taste of summer.In the quiet, sunrise-side town of Hampstead, Michig...
'With its gripping premise and non-stop action, The Blue Hour Sanction delivers a thrilling narra...
The time has come for Riley Cannon, one of the bestselling novelists in history, to end her belov...
A new cookbook with stories about the nonne, a quartet of feisty, determined grandmas who run the...
'What comes after 'hi'? This is the question that goes through the mind of kids with autism. Ever...
'Fly high, little dreamer.'