La Frontera Publishing presents Dead or Alive, its latest collection of fictional short stories a...
La Frontera Publishing presents Broken Promises, its latest collection of thirteen fictional shor...
Welcome to Los Angeles, America's second-largest city and home to 3.8 million people. But L.A. di...
La Frontera Publishing presents Outlaws and Lawmen, a collection of the latest fictional short st...
Set in Deadwood during the Black Hills Gold Rush period of the late 1870s, this novel features Bi...
Robbed and beaten by outlaws, stagecoach guard James Colton vows justice and recovery of his gran...
Black Moon rages against the white invaders of his Black Hills homeland, but it's a losing effort...
Offers some of the best of contemporary Western writing. From Native Americans, famed frontiersme...
Seeking his fortune in the early 1900s, young prospector-assayer Chester Pray filched a Nevada sh...
The Colton brothers must overcome Apaches, Confederate Texans, and their own demons at the start ...
The trials of war, of love and loss can crush the spirits of many, but Skeeter is proof that hero...
As rage explodes across the Sonoran Desert in Arizona Territory, 1861, blood stains the sand. Wil...