Damaged Goods celebrates the whirlwinds of life through a collection of Spokenword and poetry wri...
Good day, good people. This was written by me as an introspective blessing, lesson, and understan...
My name is Aniyah Young; I want to tell you a story about a young girl and her two children who s...
I am Pastor Sederia G. Graves and I didn't always fall into the category of a good Christian woma...
Nazir who at tha tender age of 11 was sentenced to juvenile life for tha murder of his abusive st...
Let's play a little game of whose heart gets broken first. From the love of one to the love of ma...
FINALLY, AT LAST. . . Occurring at the end!! The title speaks for itself, removing doubt, embraci...
Challenges are often depicted as a contest or competition. This describes the vibe for these shor...
This book gives you real facts regarding progressive credentialism versus ageism. It will provide...
The five irrevocable KEYS that one must have in order to excel in whatever one do in life are: Ex...
I am writing this book to address several issues that the United States citizens should be concer...