The novel Lucia tells the story of love between a man and a woman of Portuguese nobility - a love...
Primul roman reprezinta povestea vietii unei regine triste, dar importante, din istoria Portugali...
The novel is the story of a tragic but significant queen in the history of Portugal, Queen Catari...
Ghidul prezinta un sistem propriu de traduceri si marketing al licentelor de traducere, elaborat ...
Un roman despre drama intelectualilor romani din timpul si mai ales de dupa cel de-al Doilea Razb...
This work is a complete mathematical guide to lottery games, covering all of the problems related...
Over the past two decades, gamblers have begun taking mathematics into account more seriously tha...
Cartea contine doua romane:Romanul 'Lucia' este o poveste de dragoste di...
Cel ce judeca primul secol dup¿ Cristos in baza prezentului este predispus unui numar impresionan...
Continuing his series of books on the mathematics of gambling, the author shows how a simple-rule...
Pe fundalul represiunilor dure impotriva hughenotilor, familia Corday decide sa paraseasca Franta...