Debut novel written in first person about a 32-year-old women. Immersed in her thoughts in the co...
In Algeria, Mme Akli is a possessive mother in conflict with her own sexuality in a country that ...
A book without filters, a blunt depiction of pregnancy, sex, maternity and relationships through ...
INDUSTRIAL ROOTS is an exceptional collection of domestic vignettes narrated by different female ...
A young dead woman in a dream triggers a memory in our unnamed narrator. Through an intimate mono...
In aghostly, almost dream-like, atmosphere, the female captain agrees to break one of her rules...
A female space par excellence, Wenling's nail salon becomes the crossroad for a myriad of women's...
A pitch perfect study of success anddestruction, dependence and betrayal, celebrity and anonymity.
Breaking Milk is an evocative exploration of motherhood at the crossroads of theSouth African lan...
A moving tale about the love of a young woman for her mother.
A tale of love and betrayal in colonial Eritrea.
A Gothic winter tale about a girl kept as a trophy in a remote Swedish mansion.